You need to activate the audit system, than you can get the history for
when he login/logon
You need to activate the audit system, than you can get the history for
when he login/logon
1. System -> Status , you will see the System: Status Screen, then press the button <Component>, the Installed Software screen pop-up.
In SAP ECC 6.0 EHP6, the function code &SAP_EDIT
, which enables the change mode of transaction SE16N, is deactivated (SAP Note 1420281) due to security breaches that were detected. In order to activate it (temporarily), follow the steps below:
當使用T/C: DBCO 設定完SAP & MS SQL 的連線之後
Case1: 連線成功訊息:
Testing a Database Connection Defined in DBCON
Connection IPTTEST_FIS successfully opened.
Connection IPTTEST_FIS closed
Case2: 連線失敗訊息:
Testing a Database Connection Defined in DBCON
Could not open connection IPTTEST_FIS
DBI error 16 occured.
See trace file for further info: dev_w1
QAS, 用T/C: SCC4, 修改 Table T000
雖然很少會去檢查 SAP 系統的版本.. 但是還是分享一下怎麼檢查. 尤其是 ECC6 之後的 Ehp 版本..
1. T/C: SPAM
2. 選擇 右下角 Package Level
3. 檢查 SAP_APPL ..
目前 R3 4.7 就是 470 (也可以看到 level23)
如果看之前自己裝的 ECC6 Ehp3... 就是 603 (3 代表 Ehp 的版本).